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Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Arousal of Adam: Part 2
THE AROUSAL OF ADAM The Arousal of Adam: PART TWO Sexuality in Men and Traditional Chinese Medicine In part one I looked at what might be the cause of the dilemma in the “Arousal of Adam”. Now I want to explore with you the places where we might generate change in physical and mental behaviors… Continue Reading
The Arousal of Adam: Part 1
THE AROUSAL OF ADAM The Arousal of Adam: PART ONE Sexuality in Men and Traditional Chinese Medicine Talking about male sexuality is not always easy. It is an intimate, touchy conversation that often doesn’t happen at all – even between lovers, or between a doctor and patient. We are not used to it. Men… Continue Reading
In Defense of Gluten: I love good bread!
In Defense of Gluten: I love good bread! Whole, Healthy & Hearty By Verena Johanna Smith For a while I have wanted and needed to comment on the current anti-gluten craze. Because I LOVE GOOD BREAD! Back in the UK I used to cherish making my own sourdough bread. I used to grind my own… Continue Reading
Cause of Disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine
When you go and see your doctor it is mostly a very brief process. You tell your story, your symptoms – the doctor then considers all the evidence and creates a mental picture from the patterns that present – maybe a test or two – or more….. Then the inevitable question: “What to take?”… Traditional… Continue Reading
Wonderful Kale Chips
KALE CHIPS Ingredients: Kale Sea Salt Olive Oil some Gomasio (Garlic and Sea salt) Brewer’s Yeast (Nutritional Yeast) and if you like (special for your thyroid: ) Kelp Flakes Take a bunch of KALE wash all the store sprayed water off it dry off – break into bite size pieces then, take about a Table… Continue Reading
"Compassionate Heart
Compassionate Art"
“Verena has given me not only safe and nurturing environment in which to work, but also an image I hope to embody with any healing practice I take on for myself during my life. She is perceptive, warm, extremely skilled, and compassionate beyond words. I am so grateful to her care, and to the space she holds sacred for those in need.”
- Patti Stillwater
“Verena J. Smith is a national treasure – her synthesis of Traditional Chinese and contemporary healing techniques is brilliant and original. Her four cassette “Introduction to Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine”, healing in itself, is comprehensive and outstanding – truly a Gift of Health.”
- Daniel Goleman
Author ofEmotional Intelligence