(413) 549-2830
19 Cosby Ave

Verena has practiced and studied Acupuncture and Herbal medicine in England, America, China and India over the last 30 years. Verena teaches locally and has been published nationally. She maintains a family practice in Amherst MA.
My introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine happened while I lived in the UK, South Devon. It occurred in my early thirties and at the time I was suffering from a Sciatica condition that had made my existence as a young mother miserable to say the least.
Some of my women friends brought me almost “by force” to seek the help of Dr. Hannes Lange (MD) who was a doctor disillusioned by the allopathic model and was using homeopathy and acupuncture techniques.
The day, I met Dr. Hannes Lange I was as skeptical, thirty years ago, as are some people today, when they first hear about acupuncture. However, Dr. Lange turned out to be a wonderful, wise old man, slightly cantankerous, albeit humorous. When I crawled up on his table I was in severe pain, he had a very wonderfully soothing personality and made me almost forget about the needles. They were, at any rate never as difficult as the pain that had brought me there in the first place – after he inserted the needles I rested in this very unique deep place for 25 minutes and when I cautiously lowered myself down from it there was absolute relief of all pain. I was free from pain at last and as a bonus had found my calling!
For the next two years I apprenticed with Dr. Hannes Lange, before moving on to further studies. I am forever indebted to this wonderful wise teacher of mine who demonstrated knowledge, wisdom and compassion.
Verena is also an avid painter. Please feel free to visit her art website at
“Vision, feeling, curiosity, these are the motivating qualities. I feel the sociopolitical and humanistic urge to add my voice to the deafening chorus, to make the world a healthier place with more gratitude for beauty and growth.”
– Verena J. Smith Lic. Ac. Dipl. Ac.
"Compassionate Heart
Compassionate Art"
“Verena has given me not only safe and nurturing environment in which to work, but also an image I hope to embody with any healing practice I take on for myself during my life. She is perceptive, warm, extremely skilled, and compassionate beyond words. I am so grateful to her care, and to the space she holds sacred for those in need.”
- Patti Stillwater
“Verena J. Smith is a national treasure – her synthesis of Traditional Chinese and contemporary healing techniques is brilliant and original. Her four cassette “Introduction to Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine”, healing in itself, is comprehensive and outstanding – truly a Gift of Health.”
- Daniel Goleman
Author ofEmotional Intelligence